How MTV Underdeveloped Africa

This article vilifies MTV:

Yet, while we may bemoan MTV's African odyssey, the question that we must ask ourselves is why has MTV and Hip Hop in general, succeeded in uniting African people in ways that Garvey never dreamed and why have we not successfully applied these techniques in our effort to reach Black youth.

The failure of the Black Nationalist community to come up with a International Hip Hop Agenda cannot be overlooked. Why hasn't the Black Nationalist community implemented simple strategies such as a Hip Hop Peace Council that will be responsible for squashing 'beefs' or groups of Black Power 'missionaries' in communities that will seek dialogue with Hip Hop artists when they travel to different cities.

The lack of a Hip Hop agenda makes many Black youth feel that Black scholars are more interested in teaching Black folks how to build pyramids out of soup cans and paper glue then teaching them how to use Hip Hop to change their realities. In the words of Doughboy from "Boys in the Hood," "either they don't know. don't show or don't care about what's goin' on in tha 'hood."

Unless, we as Afrikan people develop a Pan Africanism to counter MTV's Pan Africanism, company's like MTV will continue to get rich off of our suffering while we continue to dance to our own destruction.