Zambians are No.1 Wife Beaters

Scoop: Violence Against Women And Role Of Media: "A Multi-Country Study, is a comprehensive analysis of domestic violence in nine developing countries based on data from Demographic and Health Surveys finds high rates of domestic violence in all cases and specifies that over 40% of women in several countries report being victims of spousal or intimate partner abuse. In summary, the number of ever-married women reporting spousal physical or sexual abuse was highest in Zambia (48%), Colombia (44%), and Peru (42%) and lowest in Cambodia (18%), India (19%), and the Dominican Republic (22%). About one in three women in Egypt (34%), Nicaragua (30%) and Haiti (29%) reported such abuse. Interestingly, in most countries, the highest rates of violence occur in moderately wealthy households and not, as commonly assumed, among the poorest households. Women are most at risk at home and from men they know, usually a family member or spouse."