During my early years in Internet development a number of buzzwords were floating around that do not get mentioned anymore. I remember Push Technology, and Content is King. Push Technology has been replaced by Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and Content is Kingis still holding fort as, well, content!
Want more traffic to your website? An easy way to distribute your news? To start all you need is content you want broadcast, an RSS news feed.
Old media is worried, they really should be worried.
The CEO of the Associated Press, in his big speech big speech to the Online News Association: 'Content will be more important than its container' in the next phase of Web development. 'That's a big shift for old media to come to grips with,' Curley added. 'Killer apps, such as search, RSS and video-capture software such as Tivo -- to name just a few -- have begun to unlock content from any vessel we try to put it in.'
The means are there to unlock content from any vessel we try to put it in. Those vessels are the big media brands themselves, including the flagships of the press fleet. Here's Admiral Curley telling them that news is becoming unhinged from 'brand,' and so we who make news content have to re-locate where we brand it, and think about adding our voice at every step.
What Curley was saying ran parallel to what ex-newspaper man Tim Porter said in 2003: 'The real lesson both the newsroom and the boardroom need to learn is that, in the age of the 24-hour scroll, the micro-fragmentation of electronic media, and the constant clamor for a news consumer's attention by everyone from the New York Times to yours truly, all that's left is the journalism.'"
Prayer Mix
1 week ago
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