Brain Drain: Calls for Compensation

This Brain Drain: Calls for Compensation initiative, though well intended is a damn idea.

Professionals from Africa flee because they are fed up with living on subsistence. I migrated from Zambia and established a near normal standard of living in the UK. I know what I'm talking about.

I want to help my country, sure. But I do not want to starve to death while feeding the politicians' greed. If you want my services,please, pay me accordingly.

I do a lot of voluntary work which does not seem to impress these shallow minded do-gooders.

Sure, we need help. We are not going to get help by holding the British government at ransom. If there is anything I know about the British is that they do not take well to threats or blackmail.

Africans, well zambians, should look after themselves. It is that simple. The Zambian government should learn to use Zambian people at home or abroad.

Feel free to contact me if you require my services!


Leo said...

Care to help advise or critique The Zambian