Zambia Open Business Forum

The advent of Internet technologies provides a wide array of opportunities for everyone with the time and energy to persue their dream without the cost associated with conventional business.

I have began developing theZambia Open Business Forum inorder to encourage more Zambians to take on the challenge of entrepeurship. The
"The Business Forum is engaged in the development, marketing and delivery of services and publications for businesspersons and other professionals engaged in or investing in web-based businesses.
The service is designed to help businesspersons and other professionals learn about, build and conduct business on the Internet. The service is aimed at people with all levels of business and technical experience."

Starting a business takes guts and hard work: "A great idea for a business may be a jumping-off point, but it takes more than an idea to birth a business.
It takes money.
The challenge, whether it's to start a business from scratch or to expand an existing one, is to figure out where you want to go and how you want to get there.
But remember: Nothing is written in stone.
'There are no hard fast rules in starting a business,' said Nita Black, managing director of Financial Services Exchange. "

Beg, Borrow or Get a Grant

Entrepreneurial Resources Subject Tracer Information Blog:

Entrepreneurial Resources ( is a Subject Tracer Information Blog developed and created by the Virtual Private Library. It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet for entrepreneur resources "