The following is MwandiniToloane's viewpoint on justice denied:
"people, Gitmo or Abu Graib and the way they are portrayed in the media serves to distract you and me from the real reason these camps exists. Gitmo serves a purpose other than the one the media provides, and so do many of the lawyers representing the captives. the vast majority of the populace here understands this conspiracy, believe me on this, they have been fooled into believing they are at war with the rest of the world. what we are being fed with are two parts of the same tactic by the same party. on the one side is this same party holding people for deterence's sake (to scare any of you who wants to disagree), and on the other are the same people, posing as lawyers, making you and me think there is justice around them here parts, just like the mock trials of Abu Ghraib abusers were intended for. if this last were not true, then i do believe by now there would have been much more public outcry than we've witnessed to date, and those poor prisoners would have been freed a long time ago.
sometimes i imagine what it would be like if these people were their ilk, kept 'without charge' in cages for, what, two years?!, without society reacting in a manner that would make the governments do something about this injustice?
the excuses they must use in order not to raise suspicion of actual motive, that they are using on Mubanga and the others, is to use scare mongering tactics. 'terrorists' is being used in the same way as many used 'communists' to incacerate or elliminate their opposition.
as for the individual victims of the new pre-emptive strategy, the tactic is to make these people think there is something wrong with their personalities in the first place, hence the reason they are getting the treatment...
Prayer Mix
1 week ago
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