Punctuation’s axis of evil

Are you for or against the semicolon? Apparently, some people see the semicolon as punctuation’s axis of evil. No kidding, punctuation is Pause celebre among the literati.
"In fact, one attempt to quash San Francisco's gay marriage law last year was dismissed on the grounds that the plaintiff had used a semicolon instead of a conjunction. A conservative group had asked the court to order the city to "cease and desist issuing marriage licenses to and/or solemnising marriages of same-sex couples; to show cause before the court." As the San Francisco Superior Court Judge James Warren explained, the word "or" should have been used instead of the semicolon. "I am not trying to be petty here," he told reporters, "but it is a big deal... That semicolon is a big deal."

This is so bizarre, what's the fuss?
Perhaps the general loss of old-school learning - memorised historical dates, multiplication tables, the odd stanza or sonnet - has sent a frisson of intellectual status anxiety through the newly middle-aged middle classes. And what could be more unnerving than a slipshod grasp of punctuation?

I always knew that middle-age is difficult for intelligent people; they become very boring.