
Naturally, my starting and main point of interest. I will endeavour to stay upto-date with the help ofGoogle Search: Zambia and I promise not to be drawn into issues political, though a few peeks at YOUR INDEPENDENT POST - ZAMBIA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER will not do any discernible harm, I guess.

The start of the never ending poke at the truth or any resemblance of the truth. Aha, therein lies the problem or Where the Truth Lies. I remember a friend jokingly stating, "Zambians do not always mean what they say and do not always say what they mean."

My knee-jerk response was, "So they lie most of the time." My friend, I call him friend because he was paying for the meal, promptly corrected me.

Friend: "Zambians do not lie, they just don't tell the truth."

Me: "Ok, elaborate"

Friend: "See, if I start telling you stories that are, for lack of a better word, false I'm not necessarily lying. But, if you ask me a question and a provide a misleading answer deliberately, then it is a lie."

Me: "In short, Zambians tell tall stories."

Friend: "Only in Zambia."

Me: I guess we all, at one point or another, have beenEconomical with the truth. Some people are just more compelled than others"


Anonymous said...

Have you heard of The Zambian at ?

Check out the Chat room and the Blog as well.