My almost insanely surreal battle against enforced bachelorhood and the untold tiny daily inequalities of life for the mid-life generation, gives rise to a plethora of encounters of comedic quality, which nevertheless still manage to hit home a number of wryly perceptive points about everything from life, love, sex and death.
Take, for instance, my latest attempt to impress a certain female of my interest. I made an effort to convince her of my feelings towards her, and I even went as far as wining and dining her. In addition to regular phone calls, I sent her her emails. When she had just split up with her current boyfriend, I consoled her and encouraged her to move on.
Well, everything was looking bright until she phoned to thank me for supporting her and encouraging her during a difficult emotional period. She went on to add that she is , now, with a new boyfriend.
I felt myself repeating the well known Victor Mildrew's One Foot In The Gravephrase under my breath “I don’t believe it!” in disbelief.
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