Today was a beautiful day! It was supposed to be raining straight through until the end of the week. The television and radio news talked of it and the dailies gave vast coverage to how the weather was going to impact people's vacations and business at stores and restaurants.
After reading one particular story that gave statistics on past Julys and the amount of rainfall going back to the biginnig of records, I was convinced that we were very definitely in the middle of a monsoon. I was prepared to hunker down in my house with lots of food and a liferaft just in case I was unable to get back down the road to Stop and Shop.
It never ceases to amaze me how often the weather is made into something much more than it is. As the summer goes on, the rain will be replaced by August heat and humidity. Everyone will behave as if they have never experienced 90-degree weather. As the days become more chilly, the doomsayers will give us more statistics on how it seems to be getting colder, leaving us at the mercy of another Ice Age. The truth is that no amount of rhetoric will ever change the weather. It has a mind of its own, and our daily whining over it is not going to make one bit of difference. Yet even when a beautiful day comes around, most people have trouble enjoying it because they're too busy checking to see if it's going to be nice tomorrow, or they have to tell you that it's hailing in Bombay.
I want to suggest that we have a weatherman similar in nature to ITN - five news weather presenter, Lara Lewington. Let's add a little levity to rain, sleet, wind and snow. Wouldn't it be fun to turn on the weather report and see a man or woman dressed in fun clothing, tap dancing or hip-hopping while he let us know what the week ahead had in store for us?
Maybe the guy from the esure TV commercial would be interested in the job. In addition, he would give positive suggestions on how to make each type of weather work for us instead of against us. In other words, an optimistic weatherman who realized that our mind or our inner world really modulates our moods, not our external circumstances.
Every day can be a good one if we believe it can. We all know people who are able to maintain an optimistic outlook even in the face of dramatic and difficult external circumstances or futures that seem less than bright. That being said, no amount of bad weather should rain on our parade.
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